Category Archives: Birthing and Babies

Unpopular opinions.



I really dislike it when people say it doesn’t matter how you birth, healthy baby, healthy mother. OK. Yes, that’s most important, but it should be HAPPY mother, HAPPY baby. If you are happy enough with how your birth turned out then that’s ok. If you feel traumatized then that’s valid and it’s more than OK to not want to be traumatized again. Shaming people for not wanting to be traumatized again (which I see a lot in the form of sneering at birth plans) isn’t cool. I went into my first birth with an intent to try natural, but with an open mind and basically ended up with a somewhat traumatic series of events where people were holding me down, lots of people were sticking needles in me, freaking out in general and saying stupid shit to me. I didn’t really feel a sense of failure at first because it all happened so fast. I mean, showed up to my tub birthing room and had the emergency button pressed within an hour of hospital arrival. But then people started talking about my failure, and how I could try again for a vaginal birth and it really got to me. And I wish it hadn’t. I tried to avoid the scary stuff with my second and mostly did, but still feel disappointed in myself. I’m saddened, but have pretty much tried to spin my last aspirations for birth into the lowest expectations possible, but I’m not happy about it. Sure, I’m glad we’re all alive, but I’m still sad and regretful. Not because I didn’t have some magical experience, but because I subscribed to a body image self view that put function over media dictated conventional attractiveness. And my body was not functional in a way that mattered to me.

Similarly with breastfeeding. Saying as long as you feed your baby completely invalidates how the mother is feeling. Sure, if she is happy or relieved to not breastfeed, or finds combination feeding to relieve her stress than yay. All good. If she finds it devastating to supplement or to have to formula feed then don’t trivialize her circumstances or lack of help. Or whatever led to that situation. Women are massively massively misinformed about how breastfeeding goes. Being fed fake facts like nearly all women can breastfeed, where the ‘facts’ don’t define what can means. In reality at least 15% of women/baby dyads will have major physical or physiological issues with maintaining an infant on exclusive breastfeeding (Niefert 1994 I think). That’s not even taking into account issues that arise from insufficient social or medical support.
People need to remember that some of the responsibility for breastfeeding success is on the baby too. If you think it’s ridiculous to hold a baby responsible, then consider that it’s at least equally ridiculous to hold a person responsible for a biological process. This sort of thing is not done by force of will alone. It helps, but it’s not all there is to it.

So instead commiserate. Be sympathetic. Take cues from the mother. If she says she’s devastated, don’t say, well at least you are feeding your baby. Something like, that sucks, and that’s hard, and it’s ok to be sad is more appropriate. Suggestions may be appropriate–if she asks for them, or she may have tried everything she thought was available, and just find your suggestion annoying. If she says she was relieved to use formula, then something like go you for feeding your baby is more appropriate, where suggestions intended to help manage the issue are possibly not.

And people who have these issues– our bodies don’t necessarily know what they are doing. If you think bodies are designed for this just wait until your baby starts teething. That’s a major design flaw if I’ve ever seen one. Ugh. Bodies have biological processes that go awry all the time. They aren’t necessarily designed for anything, and that sort of talk can contribute to feeling incredibly inadequate and flawed. Don’t think it’s your fault. There are ways to manage many issues. They can be far more work than you are or thought you’d be up for, and they can be manageable if you have support. It’s ok to be sad. Don’t let anyone guilt you into feeling like you have no right to be sad about how things turned out, or that you are ungrateful because worse things happen to other people.
I would also like to say fucking yay science. Did you know that in the 1940’s the infant mortality rate for under one’s was about 50% for *white* babies? It was closer to 85% for black babies. The primary reasons for that are milk safety, water safety and immunization. In about that order. On that topic, let’s talk about formula safety. Please don’t use water from your hot tap for making formula. Also please DO heat your water before mixing it with powdered formula. Because formula protocol isn’t widely shared by medical professionals, people are left to following the can or getting tips from friends or relatives. Formula is not sterile, and babies under 3 months should have hot water added to their formula for optimum safety. Now, a few tips I learned– You can heat your water in the microwave IF you shake it before serving to eliminate hotspots. You still need to cool it down. However, a much better method is to make up formula in advance. Formula is fine in the fridge for 24 hours. Then you can pop it in a mug of microwaved water to heat it. Or some kids don’t mind it cold. But you know, just FYI. For all those that unexpectedly end up using formula and know nothing about it.

People who haven’t experienced problems are the most judgmental.


Which includes first timers.

There’s been a lot of anti birth plan judgement going around in my life. It’s always irritated me. It seems to mostly come from people who haven’t had issues they felt could have been avoided.
Now, this time I hardly have a birth plan at all, because there’s no point.

There’s a lot more anti-birth plan talk than there are people being sad that every little thing didn’t go how they imagined it, though I have seen a little of that.

Some people seem to think a birth plan is a detailed document outlining how the expectant mother wants every thing to go. Pretty much everyone has a birth plan, even if they aren’t writing up some manifesto. It might be exactly in line with what your medical team will do, so you hardly need to tell or ask them anything, or it might be very different from their normal operating procedure, so you need to ask for things outside the norm. It’s a good excuse to do some research into what is the norm at where you will be birthing, what will be accommodated, and make educated decisions into what you think is best for you.

My original birth plan was very much in line with normal operating procedure for my area (though I gather fairly different from in much of the US). I didn’t have to worry about making my wishes explicitly known, or going against standard procedure on a variety of things, though I had discussed them with my care providers. There was very little that I got off of it despite that.

With my second birth plan, because of the nature of my first birth, I had to argue quite a lot my entire pregnancy to be able to not be strapped to a bed. Since my first birth involved about 10 people in my room holding me still because the bed was broken and rocked if I moved at all, and that upset the belly monitor, including 2 sets of people trying to fit IV’s that kept falling out (I ended up with I think 4 different IV insertion points?), and ending up with one in my neck I was rather keen to not be attached to a bed. So mobility was a big part of my birth plan. In the end when it came down to being strapped to a bed and told it would probably end in a section anyhow, or having a repeat emergency section I opted for the section. My second time birth plan was about avoiding things I saw as traumatizing. Which I mostly did, but I still don’t feel right or happy with how things turned out.

With my 3rd I have very low expectations. It’s disappointing for me because there are birthing related things I can never have because of how my birth has to go. Not because it’s necessarily dangerous, but because rules are more flexible in the delivery room than they are in the operating room. But I still have a birth plan. And so does pretty much everyone else. Everyone whose birth plan is get the baby out, is fine with the way their medical team and hospital does things. Those who want things done differently are not wrong and certainly have reasons.