Monthly Archives: May 2013

Who am I?


I’m abandoning my other blogs in favour of this one. They were topical, this one is catch all. So I hope.

I’m a (scientist, expat, immigrant) mother of two girls. I sew, I knit, I cook and I sometimes do crafty crap. I generally kind of half ass it in my opinion. I think about my parenting and consequences of my actions but my kids probably still watch too much TV.

Thing 1 is nearly 3 and Thing 2 is still under a year. Thing 3 is still in the planning phase. It still sounds like a horrible idea.

I attachment parent in a broad sense of the term. I don’t follow any list of things that attachment parents do. I pick and choose what suits me and my family. Sometimes things aren’t active choices either, they are just what works to get by.

I am pretty good at evaluating published research. Sometimes I get caught in gris-gris. I have also had to dip into alternative medicinal methods because nothing else was available. I try to approach that sort of thing from an evidence based perspective and stop doing it if it doesn’t work for me.

I’m mostly about what works for you in your situation. I’m trying not to be that parent. I’ve had enough of that to last me forever. I’ll try and cut down on the navel gazing.

I’m also kind of busy. With, you know, kids and a job and stuff. I’m unlikely to post regularly. But I think about issues around raising my kids and I want to write about them. Or show off a teensy bit. But not make anyone feel like crap. This isn’t about how I have it together, it’s about how I’m trying to figure it out.